宣扬宽恕 & 和解会议 & Mark Abbott讲座

宣扬宽恕 & 和解

First Free Methodist Church | 3200 3rd Ave W, 西雅图, WA 98119

Join us for a special all-day conference. The conference will take place at First Free Methodist Church (right by SPU’s campus) from 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM, with a public lecture following the conference at 6:00 PM. Our 主题 Speaker for the conference and evening lecture is 牧师. Dr. 快乐J. 摩尔, an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church and the Professor of Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary in St. 保罗,明尼苏达州. We will have an additional keynote message from 牧师. Dr. Scott Dudley, Senior Pastor at Bellevue Presbyterian Church, preaching from 牧师. Peter Chin, Senior Pastor at Rainer Avenue Church, and a panel discussion framed by 牧师. Michael Thomas, Senior Pastor at Radiant Church. 其他的突破将由Dr. 斯蒂芬·纽比和牧师. 阿什利·斯金纳溪.


There are three different options for conference participation:

  1. 只登记会议: If you’d simply like to attend the conference for a day of learning, 网络, and growing in your knowledge of preaching, you can register for the conference here through 哪些. The cost for attendance is $30 and registration is required to attend the all-day portion of the conference. 登记 includes a light breakfast and lunch. If you register before October 1, registration is only $15! Use the promo code earlybird23 to receive the discounted price.
  2. Register for a Preaching Learning 社区: If you’d like to be a part of a learning community during November to workshop a sermon and receive feedback on a sermon manuscript or recording pertinent to the topic of 宣扬宽恕 and 和解, you can register as a "Participant Learner" for our Fall Seminary Course, “Preaching 和解 and Forgiveness.” Participant learners will be able to fully participate in the course for a discounted rate of $95 (which includes conference registration) but will not   receive formal credit for the class. 通过以下网址注册课程 哪些 as a "Participant Learner" by selecting that option at checkout. Participant Learners must be registered for the course by October 20th, 2023 to receive pre-conference reading assignments. Registering as a participant learner automatically registers you for the conference.
  3. Register for THEO 6950 - Preaching 和解 and Forgiveness: Current students and anyone interested in receiving formal credit for their participation in the conference and associated learning community can register for THEO 6950 at the normal Seminary tuition rate of $595. 登记 for the course includes registration for the conference. Current students can register online through Banner and community members interested in taking the course for credit can 电邮扎克雅各布森 (jacobsenz@spu).edu), Assistant Director of 西雅图太平洋神学院, for information on how to register as a non-matriculated student. Registering as a student for THEO 6950 automatically registers you for the conference.

只参加晚间讲座: If you would like to attend only the Mark Abbott讲座ship on Preaching at 6:00 p.m.,欢迎你来听牧师的演讲. Dr. 快乐J. 摩尔 lecture on "宣扬宽恕 in an Age of Contempt.” There is no cost and no need to register.

If you have any questions about the conference or need assistance with registration, 请联络神学院院长, 牧师. 阿什利·斯金纳溪 (skinnera3@thecmcteam.com)或助理署长, 扎克雅各布森 (jacobsenz@thecmcteam.com). We are looking forward to welcoming you to SPU in November!

This conference will be live-streamed and video-recorded (link pending).


8:30 AM – Coffee, Snacks, and Check-In
9:00 AM – Welcome, Worship, and 主题, “Preaching from a Flawed Legacy” by Joy 摩尔
上午10:00 -突破#1
     阿什利·斯金纳溪 - “Preaching Through the Storm: Speaking in Times of Internal Conflict and Division”
     Mike Thomas - “Being a Reconciling Voice in a Relevant World”
     Scott Dudley - “Making Reconcilers in the Church”
上午11:00 -休息
11:10 AM –  liverstream链接 ——教堂 & 主题, 由Stephen Newby带领的音乐敬拜, Sermon by Peter Chin “和解 and 牧师ival: The Centrality of the Holy Spirit's Role in
中午12:00 -午餐
下午1:00 -爆发#2
     Peter Chin -“来自大规模枪击事件, 骚乱, to Insurrections: Leading Congregational Response to Turmoil and Tragedy”
     快乐J. 摩尔 - “宣扬宽恕 in the Old Testament”
     Stephen Newby - “Hope Sounds, Sounding Hope: Singing Songs of 和解”
下午2:00 -休息
下午2:15 -宽恕小组 & Racial 和解 (all presenters)
下午3:15 -大型团体, Scott Dudley主题演讲#2——“希望, 疗愈, and the Cross in Genocide: 和解 in Rwanda”
下午4:00 -休息吃晚饭
6:00 PM – liverstream链接 ——马克·阿博特《赌博十大靠谱软件》讲座, 斯蒂芬·纽比带领敬拜, "宣扬宽恕 in an Age of Contempt” by 快乐J. 摩尔 
